


本项目获得了戛纳国际创意节(Cannes Lions)2银1铜、釜山国际广告节(AD STARS)1银1铜、亚洲创意节(Spikes Asia)1银1铜等奖项的肯定。

The number of Alzheimer's patients in China is the highest in the world with 9 million (2013) and counting. The main symptoms of this disease include memory impairment, degeneracy, impairment of visual skills and etc., so far the cause of the disease is yet unknown.

By using the facial recognition and voice recognition technology of Baidu, F5 designed a pair of special glasses for Alzheimer's patients. The glasses can read automatically the visual characteristics of the object in view, identify the person, and tell the patient through voice.

With this campaign, F5 has won international awards including 2 silver and 1 bronze lions at Cannes Lions, 1 silver and 1 bronze at AD STARS, and 1 silver and 1 bronze at Spikes Asia, etc.

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