Metaverse in Fool's Day | Baidu
"I'll tell you a joke."
"How funny can it be?"
"The one that makes Stephen Chow laugh!"
"Don't go away, show me the video"

This male voice is very familiar. Do you have it? Immediately think of Stephen Chow's nonsense movie! On April 1 this year, it was Mr. Shi Banyu who played his soul voice and animated the yuan universe.

At the beginning, under the guidance of digital man Du Xiaoxiao, we came to the "ape universe".

This is the paradise of code monkey. They didn't pick up the branches in accordance with the rules, but danced with a single step. Deadline doesn't exist, and the whole universe belongs to them. This scene is reminiscent of the chimpanzee in the classic blockbuster 2001: a space odyssey.

Then the painting wind turned and came to the green "garden universe".

Leaves turn into roads and parking lots in response to the two major issues of carbon peak and carbon neutralization in the current global society. Using AI technology to create sustainable growth can open a healthy future for the world.

Then come to the "fate universe" and send out endless romance.

In this universe, love is the gene of all things. The meta universe should not be empty, lonely and cold, create distracted content and quietly lead the code of fate for all things in the world.

The last stop is "Yuan universe", which is the capital of RMB.

Everything in this universe follows the law of value exchange. In the new business era, the meta universe has become a prosperous place and the next economic growth point.

This is Baidu AI's April Fool's day short film "Yuan universe". The video expresses the following business thinking: what imagination space does AI technology and marketing have? How to combine the hot spots of the times and use interesting ideas to reflect the theme of "brand creation and growth here" of Baidu AI marketing?

Creativity: absurdity, brand new situation

Baidu digital virtual human is the first nurturing virtual idol in China. With the help of Du Xiaoxiao, we decided to abandon the complex and difficult to find marginal meta universe, return to the starting point of asking questions, turn yuan into yuan, like a child's fantasy, and present a strange and reasonable new picture of the future through the connection of AI technology.

Baidu digital human Du Xiaoxiao

Human beings seem to have returned to their toddlers, growing in the meta universe and interwoven with a new imagination. What kind of Xinjiang region will be iterated under the technical empowerment of what is regarded as an absurd spark? Those spiritual corners in life that have not been visited may be a new way for brand communication in the future.

Behind the scenes: a race at the speed of light

From receiving the briefing to going online, it only takes half a month. The biggest challenge is 3D production, because the film needs to respond to the technological wind of the meta universe, so we can only take the route of 3D animation. From the determination of the creative direction, the content and picture began to run in continuously. In order to catch up with the progress, the picture rendering adopts distributed method, which scatters and distributes the content, and different rendering factories follow up synchronously and in batches. The creative staff stayed up all night and finally finished at the edge of deadline.

Colored egg: whimsical dubbing coffee

The dedication of teacher Shi Banyu's soul not only adds a lot to this "cosmic blockbuster", but also brings optimism to April Fool's day under the epidemic. He once again gave full play to the funny skill of matching Stephen Chow's films and teased Du Xiaoxiao. While making people laugh, he also well understood the advantages of AI marketing.

Strategic thinking: say something serious after laughing

Metaverse has been in the limelight in the past two years, but its high concept and technical difficulty of implementation have led to different opinions and confused faces. Based on the communication node of April Fool's day, we abandon the expression of big words and metaphysics, and make a reverse joke on the meta universe in a nonsense way. Behind the absurdity and irrationality, what is seriously conveyed is the practical technical empowerment of Baidu AI marketing, which is a little powerful after laughing.

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