College Student CNY Subsidy | Juhuasuan

Why did you go to college?
For ideal, or love? To wander the world, or to escape poverty? To honor your family, or to break free from your parents?
A thousand people have a thousand reasons. But there was one maverick student who had an extra reason.

At the end of 2021, Juhuasuan launched a brand communication campaign targeting college students.

The challenge is that college students are Gen Z and naturally immune to advertising. But chances are, they have no resistance to new and fancy products.

We firmly believe that "make products before advertising", and product innovation is the biggest thrust of marketing. During the Spring Festival, Juhuasuan launched the "return home subsidy", the innovative measure that directly hit the needs of college students and instantly locked the attention of college students.

Return Home Subsidy 1: Subsidies for high-speed rail tickets

College students only need to spend a penny to receive subsidies for high-speed rail tickets, which are specially provided to 1 million college students across the country. Search "college student subsidy" on Taobao app and you can use the subsidy to buy tickets according to the instructions.

So how to spread the good news? Aiming at the psychology of college students, the brand has made an interesting promotional short film. The story tells the legendary experience of a university security guard who worked hard, used amazing tricks and finally successfully admitted to 985 University.

Security guard Xiaoqiang vowed to go to college

Sleepy? Use a drone to keep a clear mind

No electricity? Bore a hole to get neighbor's light

Can't figure it out? Manually perform Newton's story

Use quantum reading tricks

Last, "create Adam", God gave him revelation

Finally admitted to 985 university

His motivation for learning is to receive Juhuasuan's high-speed rail ticket subsidy

On the way, he sincerely recommend Juhuasuan's subsidy to other passengers

Considering that college students have high requirements for the entertainment of the story, we set an exaggerated plot. Using a drone to keep a clear mind,  boring a hole on the wall in order to get some light in, but there are savages, using quantum reading tricks and “Create Adam” , each of these memes is absurd. On this basis, we added some high sense of reality details, such as “Five year college entrance three year simulation” and choose the shortest from the three long paragraphs and the longest from the three short paragraphs, achieve the balance between absurdity and reality.

In film making, the whole team spare no pains. In order to make a good picture of savages, the production team also spent money to build a cave. Savages were played by a muscular fitness expert; The scene of "create Adam" was shot in another studio, hosted up actor and enhanced green screen and post effect production. In order to shot a good oil painting background, the production team specially hired an oil painter to redraw it.

The film lasted 24 hours. December coincided with the cold weather in Shanghai. The lowest temperature was only 1 degree, and there was no warm heating in the studio. When actor appeared on the camera, he wore light clothes and endured the cold day and night. His professionalism is admirable.

Return Home Subsidy 2: Job Train

Harvard Business Review believes that there are three recognized factors that bring about growth, namely changing the rules of the game, serving the needs of more shareholders and creating new markets. However, there is also an unexpected discovery: the fourth growth engine - sense of mission marketing. It refers to the marketing principle that enterprises should define their mission from a broader social perspective rather than a narrow product perspective.
The second wave of Juhuasuan's "return home subsidies" is guided by the sense of mission marketing. Juhuasuan, together with the Ministry of education, launched # the country's first high-speed railway job search train for college students# College students "find jobs by taking the train, eating hot pot and singing songs!".

Government and enterprises have joined hands to build a "job fair on high-speed rail" by contracting the G43 high-speed rail from Beijing to Anhui. When returning college students register online, they will have the opportunity to get seats on the job-hunting train and receive full subsidies for tickets.

Click to view the case of "job train"

Hr of many famous enterprises in Anhui Province, such as China Telecom Group and iFLYTEK gave speeches on the train and also invited employment guidance experts certified by the Ministry of education to provide job counseling and Q & A. Wu Aihua, deputy director of the College Students Department of the Ministry of education, specially recorded a message for the participating students.

In the interview of returning students

Juhuasuan job train

Recruitment manager of iFLYTEK

Recruitment manager of China Telecom

Representative of college employment Committee

In 2022, the number of college graduates exceeded 10 million for the first time, and the fierce job competition was unprecedented. Previously, seven departments including the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and human resources department issued the notice on guiding and encouraging college graduates to find jobs and start businesses in urban and rural communities. Premier Li Keqiang also pointed out at the executive meeting of the State Council that we should focus on supporting college graduates and returning migrant workers to start businesses and find jobs.

Juhuasuan's "returning home subsidy" marketing activities started with product innovation and ended with touching communication, which was highly praised by college students. Today is the buyer's market. If the product is not good enough, advertising has no ability to turn corruption into magic. Now almost every product can find alternatives, and product innovation is particularly important. Brand owners need to think about the uniqueness of their products and the value they can create for the society. If we figure it out and do it well, we can easily achieve the result that Party A, Party B and consumers are happy.

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