Midea | Sad Mona Lisa

Have you ever seen Mona Lisa without a smile? Do you know where her smile come from? Midea Air conditioner revealed the secret behind her smile in their latest commercial aired in Italy and Spain.


Midea launched its new BreezeleSS+ air conditioning unit which has a unique selling point of cooling while being windless at the same time. 

The new film pays homage to the genius inventor, Leonardo Da Vinci and tells the story of how he created the BreezeleSS+ while being commissioned to paint the beautiful wife of a trader in Florence. 


By correctly identifying the reason why she cannot smile, Leonardo Da Vinci invented the BreezeleSS+ so that she can finally sit still and be painted by him. The rest, as they say, is history. 


The ending voiceover says: Innovation can put a smile on everyone. With mini-hole matrix technology, Midea BreezeleSS+ air conditioner provides the all-new cooling for those who demand the real comfort.


The spot was directed by Alessandro De Leo and produced by Section80 in Milan under the supervision of F5 Shanghai.


The film is featured on Shots.net and Campaign Asia.



Title: Sad Mona Lisa

Client: Midea

Creative Agency: F5 Shanghai

Chief Creative Officer: Adams Fan

Project Manager: Pan Gu

Creative Director: Danny Low

Senior Copywriter: Enzo Wu

Production Company: Section80

Film Director: Alessandro De Leo

Cinematographer: Karim Andreotti 

Executive Producer: Marco Orlando

Production Manager: Rocco Marcandino 

Producer: Caterina Colombo

Asst Producer: Nina Martina Leo

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